Ranchi, State Bureau: Night Curfew in Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has announced a night curfew all over Jharkhand. During this time, all the commercial establishments in the state will be closed after 8 pm. Aam Aadmi will be barred from exiting their homes from 8 am to 6 am. With this, section 144 has been implemented in the state. Five or more people cannot walk on the road together.
Chief Minister Hemant Soren has ordered the imposition of a night curfew across Jharkhand on Tuesday. The government took this major decision after the Corona virus infection continued to grow. In Jharkhand, all schools, colleges, gyms, cinema halls, parks and public spaces will remain closed till further orders. With this, the state government again approved the partial lockdown.
The CM has taken the major decision after an in-depth review of the spread of Corona infection with Health Minister Banna Gupta and top state officials at a high-level meeting of disaster management on Tuesday.